Northern & Eastern Counties Papillon Club Championship Show 2024
26 July 2024
Judge: Chris Headley
I would like to thank both the Committee and Exhibitors for the chance they gave me in allowing me to judge their lovely dogs on my first time giving CCs. It was a long day for everyone, and I think the dog felt it also. I was a little overwhelmed with my entries of 129 and a little nervous but you all put me ease with the friendly atmosphere around the ring. There were a couple of things that I noticed whilst judging the breed, which was that light eyes have crept in, and rear movement could be better but overall, the standard of the breed is, I think in the safe hands of the true enthusiast.
Best in Show: CH/AM CH Elmaraine Chasing Rainbows
Best Puppy in Show: Tarnock Wiggle Giggle
Best Veteran in Show: Keomandi Jorgealin Midnight Magic For Kingshaven
Dog CC: CH/AM CH Elmaraine Chasing Rainbows
Res. Dog CC: CH Pappretty Grt Expectations
Bitch CC: CH/Multi CH Uppercut Daydream Believer for Feolig (imp Bel) JW WW,24
Res. Bitch CC: Ch Gleniren Oops I Did it Again Sunshoo
Baby Puppy
(I had some lovely puppies at who are the start of their careers and made their handlers work to get the best out of them.)
Baby Puppy Dog (3.0)
1st Lees Mrs C… Keomandi Fly Away to Lafford (NAF/TAF) B/W 5mth. Best Baby Puppy in Show. This little man gave his all, enjoying every minute. He had a lovely head with a nice dark eye and good stop and scissor bite, correct ear set with fringing coming in with a lovely expression. Hare feet on their way. He stood lovely which showed off his angles and topline to its full and a lovely tail carriage nicely constructed. He moved true both ways. One to watch.
2nd Whitehill Mrs M…Amicae Play with Fire R/W 6m. Another one to watch out for as, he also has a lovely expression which comes from having the correct head with lovely dark eye and correct scissor bite and ear carriage with fringing on its way in, nicely constructed he looked good when stood but just wasn’t settled on the move.
3rd Griffiths … Amicae Pipping Hot for Manawyddan
Baby Puppy Bitch (3.0)
1st Anderson CD…Keomandi May Queen for Pappretty R/W 6m. Sweet little girl which was taking everything in. She has a lovely fine muzzle leading into a good stop, nice dark eye and well set ears again fringes are on their way. A good reach of neck moving down to well angled front. Lovely top line and a nice set tail carriage.
2nd Keown Mrs M…Keomandi Moonlite Serenade R/W 6mnth. Another with a good head developing, good stop and nice scissor bite carrying herself well showing her top line off and tail set when settled. But let herself down moving away but one to look out for on another day.
3rd Kerrison & Williams … Keomandi Moon Fairy
Veteran Dog (4.2) Tri 8yrs
1st Keown M…Keomandi Jorgealin Midnight Magic For Kingshaven TRI. Best Veteran. Hard to believe that he is a veteran as he was enjoying every minute. A fine dainty boy with large ears which he used to his advantage and he had a lovely expression, with a lovely fine muzzle, good scissor bite, good reach of neck and well set shoulders nice depth of chest, moved true both moving away and returning, kept a level top line on the move, nice tail carriage. Pleasing to watch.
2nd Power Miss S … Powerforce Chasin Rainbows R/S 10yrs. He was enjoying his day with his handler, he had a lovely head, fine muzzle and correct stop. Had an abundance of coat, but just didn’t move as well as no: 1
Minor Puppy Dog (4.0)
1st Mann Mrs M, Miss B & Miss J…Have A Good Time at Melangel B/W 8mth. This little man has everything going for him, a good head, nice fine muzzle with fringes that have started to come in. A good mouth and ear carriage with fringe coming in. Nice depth of chest with nice spring of ribs. Played up on the move to start but once settled moved true and carried his tail well.
2nd Lee-Slater Mrs C…Graycaz Where I Go Hugo’s R/B/W 8mth. Again, another nice puppy, head not just quite there, nice dark eye, correct dentition, and ear carriage with fringes coming in. Level top line on the move, and correct tail carriage but not settled.
3rd Standbury … Inixia Finest Hour
Puppy Dog (5.0)
1st Olof Ms D…Tarnock Wiggle Giggle B/W 10mth. Best PUPPY… What a lovely puppy got everything there, good type with lovely pigment and dark eye, fine muzzle, good strong stop, correct ear carriage of 45% with fringing, good reach of neck with well laid shoulders and spring of ribs lovely front. Moved with attitude true both going away and returning, kept a level topline when watching from the side. But if I was to say one thing he needs to work on keeping control of his tail but this could come with age. A happy puppy.
2nd Thompson Austin & Standbury, Lady J Mrs S Mrs S…Elendil San Miguel B/W 10mth. This was another nicely structured puppy, a lovely head with a nice dark eye and good scissor bite, nicely laid shoulder with a good depth of chest. He moved true both away and return and moved well for its handler.
3rd Standbury … Elendil Knights Templar at Inixia
Junior Dog (8.0)
1st Green & Cooper Mrs JL Mr C … Panspayon Paddington Bear at Wilachans B/W 15mth. This is another developing dog who carried himself with poise, balanced head, with well set ears good reach of neck, and good shoulders and depth of chest, keeping his top line in profile. Covering the ground well.
2nd Olof Mrs D…Tarnock All Eyes On Me B/W 16mth. This junior came second as beaten on show presence, when settled these places could easily change. Another well structured dog with a well-balanced head with good, fringed ears and dark eye. Good reach of neck depth of chest and topline with correct tail carriage.
3rd Anderson … Elmaraine Outlander over Northlyte
Yearling Dog (4.0)
1st Hector Mrs A…Amber Beauty Valentino at Taisett (imp) TRI 22mth. Liked the movement on this boy, he moved true both away and on his return and was lovely to watch in profile covering the ground carrying a well fringed tail. His has typical head with a lovely expression and used his ears to his benefit, lovely silky coat and hare feet.
2nd Davidson Mr G Mrs E…Elmaraine Guards Piper TRI 17mth. Lovely dog but just wasn’t settled, handler had to work hard. He has a lovely head with correct ear set and sciccor bite and fine muzzle. Nice front and top line, but wasn’t showing to his best.
3rd Curry … Wilachans Gryffindor for Davankirk
Novice Dog (6.0)
1st Masheder Mrs JA…Keomandi Jason R/S 20mth. Lovely little dog showed well and did everything asked of him, well balanced head with correct dentition, fine muzzle and correct stop rising to lovely set ears, nicely angled shoulders with good front movement, nice top line on the move, well turned stifle and correct tail carriage,
2nd Kerrison & Williams Ms JE Ms J…Kezkez Signore Nico Roseberg B/W 2yr. A dainty little dog with a lovely head and expression, a lovely dark eye, nice define stop and correct dentition. Large mobile ears with fringing. Would have liked more depth of chest but moved well which showed off his level top line and correct tail carriage. Another with the correct hare feet.
3rd Taylor … Pamhurst Picasso
Post Graduate Dog (11.1)
1st Keown Mrs M …Keomandi Fly Me To The Moon JW TRI. This dog has a lovely head with good scissor bite and ear carriage, Good protion’s and moved well away and on the return, looked good in profile showing a good overall outline and tail carriage. Another with hare feet. This dog is coming on with confidence.
2nd Lee-Slater Mrs C…GrayCaz Etiienne TRI. Another nice dog coming through of fine bone, good muzzle moving into a a good stop with correct scissor bite, good ear set, lovely silky coat and hare feet, moved well.
3rd Anderson … Northelythe Ring og Brodgar
Limit Dog (11.0)
1st Walsh Ms HV…Purepixie Red Admiral R/S. This dog is another dog that shows breed type with large fringed ears, lovely dark eye and correct muzzle length and a lovely expression, he has a good reach of neck and good shoulders and depth of chest and well sprung ribs, kept his top line on the move covering the ground did everything asked of him.
2nd Whitehill Mrs M…Northlythe Buffalo Bill R/S. Another dog of breed type good head proportions with lovely dark eye, fine muzzle and correct dentition, good shoulder, moved true both ways keeping his top line, came a close 2nd another day these places could change.
3rd Austin & Thompson … Skyvana Catch Me At Jhanakia JW
Open Dog (8.0)
1st Davidson Mr MG Mrs E…CH/AM CH Elmaraine Chasing Rainbows TRI. DCC & Best Of Breed. This dog showed himself to his best, a papillon which ticks every box on breed type. Standing out when he was asked by his handler to stand, a head with a fine muzzle, and in proportion of 1/3 to the 2/3 with correct stop, good reach of neck, correct scissor bite and lovely dark eye that gave that lovely expression that papillons are known for. He used his ear which where correctly set at 45 degrees and well fringed. When on the move he showed off his well angulated shoulders and rear movement with good turn of stifle. level top line as he moved round the ring which was finished with his correctly carried tale, it was a pleasure to watch in profile as he moved light and with drive with his handler, he also had correct hare feet and a lovely silky coat.
2nd Anderson CD…CH Pappretty Grt Expectations R/S. RDCC Another lovely dog a good breed type ticking all the boxes, well balanced head, fine muzzle with a defined stop and lovely dark eye giving a lovely expression when using his ears which are well fringed. Good reach of neck and well laid shoulders with good depth of chest and spring of ribs moved both going and coming back true. Holding top line when in profile and covered the ground with ease. Had a soft silky coat and hare feet.
3rd Borg …Elendil Crusader
Champion Dog (1.1)
Special Phalene Dog (1.0)
1st Sellick Miss KA…Pinkmead Time Lord at Inixia Tri.
Veteran Bitch (3.0)
1st Skelton Mrs A …Bonmeshay Lady Charlotte of Adnamasham B/W 10yrs. This lady knew her job and was still enjoying it. A clean black and white with a lovely silky coat. Had a lovely ear set well fringed and dark eye, good reach of neck and front moved well with a well plumbed tail over her back with hare feet.
2nd Walsh Ms HV… CH Jorgealin Moonstar at Purepixie R/S 9yrs. Lovely old Lady who is still enjoying life and showing with her handler. She has a lovely head with correct ear carriage, muzzle and scissor bite. Nice dark eye with a loving expression. She holds her topline on movement and her tail carriage finished off her out line. Moved true.
3rd Grist … Kazkell Definitely Dazling for Kennice JW
Minor Puppy Bitch (6.0)
1st Mann Mrs M, Miss B & Miss J … Dreams come true at Melangel B/W 8mth. This puppy came into the ring full of energy, it has a typical papillon head with good expression and well-set ears and when fringed well demand attention. Good fine bone and a muzzle with lovely scissor bite lovely front and when moved had everything going for her
2nd Hector Mrs A … Caramel Dream Perlowy Raj at Taisett R/S 9mth. Sweet puppy, nice head with good structure fine boned but didn’t show to her best, but when settled could give No:1 a close run.
3rd Lee-Slater Graycaz Dutch Courage
Puppy Bitch (3.0)
1st Robb Mrs I & Mr G …Gleniren Miracle Starmaker R/S 10mth. A lovely bitch, with a good head and fine muzzle and correct scissor bite with a lovely dark eye and large mobile ears with fringing coming in, which give her a lovely expression. Good reach of neck, good shoulders and depth of chest for her age. When looking in profile moved well keeping her top line carrying her tail over her back, with a soft and silky coat.
2nd Walsh Ms HV … Keomandi Lady of the Lake R/S 10mth. This little girl has lovely pigment and a well-balanced head with a good expression and silky coat. Correct dentition and good shoulders and spring of ribs. Wast quite unsettled on the move, but when moving in profile looked better.
3rd Atkins … Vlinder Dreams Do Come True
Junior Bitch (8.0)
1st Griffiths Dr ML Dr EA.,, Manawyddan Sweeter Music B/W 16mth. This junior is making a lovely bitch with a balanced head finished with lovely ear carriage and fringes good front and rear movement keeping top line on profile covering the ground with a light movement and nice jug tail. Good pigment and scissor bite and fine muzzle, angles front and back. A good spring of ribs and depth of chest and finished with hare feet.
2nd Austin & Thompson Mrs S Mrs J,,, Ablazzor Ebony and Ivory at Jhanakia B/W 17mth. A well-structured junior bitch, with a good scissor bite and fine muzzle and ear set. Good reach of neck and shoulders, with spring of ribs. Kept topline on the move with correct tail carriage. Covered the ground well on profile. Need more coat but gave No: 1 a good run.
3rd Olof … Tarnock Pop The Bubbles
Yearling Bitch (6.0)
1st Harvie Ms F … Afterglow Barbie Doll with Penchrystona R/S 18mth. Smart little girl, fine and dainty, with good head, dark eye, scissor bite and fine muzzle good ear set. and reach of neck with good angles both front and back allowing her to move parallel keeping top line on the move carrying her tail correctly. Would have liked a bit more body but this will come with age,
2nd Pinder Mrs AE … Afterglow Barbette with Starmarla 18mth. Stood well and was attentive to her handler. Lovely head and with a good ear set and fringing, nice reach of neck, kept top line on the move once settled.
3rd Cooper …Wilachans Ravensclaw
Novice Bitch (5.1)
1st Lees Mrs CP … Lafford Ninja Tri 10mth. A nice compacted bitch , a lovely head with nice fine muzzle moving to a correct stop, had a good scissor bite and well laid ears, nice reach of neck and well laid shoulder and level top lone on the move. Took a while to settle but moved well one the handler archived this.
2nd Keown Mrs M … Keomandi Fairy Bubbles TRI 2yr. Typical head with good scissor bite and stop, good expression and body with well spring ribs, did everything she Ws asked to do by her handler, carried her tail well on the move.
3rd Stanbury … Inixia Sowton Sensation
Post Graduate Bitch (4.0)
1st Mowatt Mrs JD Mr CJ … Iotastar’s Hopes and Dreams R/S. A clean looking bitch with good head and ear set with a fine muzzle and scissor bite, with a nice expression, good front nice depth of chest and moved well keeping top line and keeping her tail over her back.
2nd Savage Mrs JP … Abbeyton Hear I Am B/W. Small dainty Phalene with well fringed ears and fine muzzle and defined stop, a lovely dark eye and lovely expression, good scissor bite. Nicely laid shoulder and well spring of rib, moved well.
3rd Whitehill … Amicae Colours of the Rainbow
Limit Bitch (13.3)
1st Skelton Mrs A … Adnamashan Lady Amelia B/W. This lady had a lovely head with well set ear carriage and well fringed ears and a lovely dark eye, with a lovely expression. Correct length of muzzle and scissor bite. Good reach of neck and well laid shoulders, level top line, and good turn of stifle, when asked to move she moved true both going away and coming back with drive. A lovely fine silky coat with correct hare feet deserved her place.
2nd Thornton Mr C Mrs A … Khanor Another Kate R/W. This fine and dainty little girl had the most delightful expression, with her large mobile ears and dark eye, correct well defined muzzle, stop and dentition. Well laid shoulders and level top line on them move, but just not settled. I have seen her move better.
3rd Anderson & Kiernan … Elmaraine Wispering Star over Northlyte
Open Bitch (6.3)
1st Robb Mrs I & Mr G … Ch Gleniren Oops I Did it Again Sunshoo R/S. RBCC. Smart little girl, another with a lovely balances head good scissor bite and fine muzzle with a lovely expression. Good reach of neck and well laid shoulders and straight topline. Moved with determination and carried her well fringed tail lovely, was nice to watch on the profile
2nd Morrell Mrs S … Johnasta Goergia for Temelora B/W. I really was splitting hair between my 1st & 2nd. This lady gave her all for her handler and had a sweet express with a lovely fine muzzle and scissor bite. Her ears framing her face giving a soft expression with a lovely dark eye. Moved well with covering the ground keeping her topline and carrying a correct tail carriage.
3rd Morrell … Athene Vom Schwabenhof for Temelora
Champion Bitch (2.1)
1st Ryan Roosens & Goessens Mrs KF MissK & Mr J … CH/Multi CH Uppercut Daydream Believer for Feolig (imp Bel) JW WW,24 TRI. BCC. Pretty and Dainty with a lovely head with large mobile ear covered in long flowing fringes, fine muzzle and good defined stop, with a good scissor bite dark eye giving a true papillon expression. Good reach of neck and well laid shoulders and good depth and spring of rib. Kept top line on the move and was a pleasure to watch in profile as both the handler and dog moved in unison.
Special Phalene Bitch (3.0)
1st Morrell Mrs S … Athene Vom Schwabenhof for Temelora (Imp Deu) R/S. Best Phalene This little bitch had a lovely expression with her fringing framing her face, with lovely expression to finish the picture. She had scissor bite and good reach of neck; lovely angles shoulder with good depth of chest and spring of ribs. Moved away and back true and seen in profile covered the ground with purpose. Lovely silky coat and hare feet.
2nd Savage Mrs JP … Abbeyton Here I Am B/W. Note PG 2nd place.
3rd Morrell … Aurora Von Schwabenhof for Temelora