South Wales Papillon Club Open Show 2022

20th March 2022

Judge: Alex Forth

I would like to thank the officers, committee, and exhibitors for a very enjoyable day.

Best in Show: Miss KF Miller & Mr EL Ryan & Mrs J Barnett’s Feorlig Silly Billy
Res. Best in Show: Miss S Orchard’s Ch Panspayon Jewel of the Nile
Best Opposite Sex: Miss S Orchard’s Ch Panspayon Jewel of the Nile
Best Puppy in Show: Miss S Orchard’s Panspayon Northern Lights
Res. Best Puppy in Show: Miss S Orchard’s Paypayon Natasha
Best Minor Puppy in Show: Miss S Orchard’s Panspayon Northern Lights
Best Veteran in Show: Mrs S Stanbury’s Inixia Delightful Dan JW SHCM

Best Dog: Miss KF Miller & Mr EL Ryan & Mrs J Barnett’s Feorlig Silly Billy.
Res. Best Dog: Mrs S Stanbury’s Inixia Delightful Dan JW SHCM
Best Puppy Dog: Miss S Orchard’s NIghtfires Be Unique In Style at Panspayaon (Imp Deu)
Res. Best Puppy Dog: Mrs S Stanbury’s Pinkmead Time Lord at Inixia NAF TAF
Best Minor Puppy Dog: Mrs S Stanbury’s Pinkmead Time Lord at Inixia NAF TAF
Best Veteran Dog: Mrs S Stanbury’s Inixia Delightful Dan JW SHCM
Best Phalene Dog:

Best Bitch: Miss S Orchard’s Ch Panspayon Jewel of the Nile.
Res. Best Bitch: Miss KF Miller & Mr EL Ryan Feorlig Say it with Flowers
Best Puppy Bitch: Miss S Orchard’s Panspayon Northern Lights
Res. Best Puppy Bitch: Miss S Orchard’s Paypayon Natasha
Best Minor Puppy Bitch: Miss S Orchard’s Panspayon Northern Lights
Best Veteran Bitch: Mrs V Sparke’s Pinkmeads New Years Eve.
Best Phalene Bitch: Mrs S Morrell’s Temelora Bella.

Minor Puppy Dog 1 ENT 0 ABS (1)
1st Mrs S Stanbury’s Pinkmead Time Lord at Inixia NAF TAF Very Immature Baby Phalene. Pretty Shaped Head with a dark eye and balanced Skull. Good ear placement. Level topline, nice front and rear movement. Handled well to make the best of this little baby. Reserve Best Puppy Dog. Best Minor Puppy Dog.

Puppy Dog 2 ENT 1 ABS (1)
1st Miss S Orchard’s NIghtfires Be Unique In Style at Panspayaon (Imp Deu) Striking Black and White Male in excellent condition. Whilst this young male has reached his mature height, he is beautiful in type. From his well-balanced head, with beautiful butterfly ears that he used well, set on a good neck into clean shoulders, through a level topline, nice chest, good front, and rear, to his lovely tail carriage. He covered the floor with ease. Handled to perfection. I am sure he will get his title with a fair wind. Best Puppy Dog

Junior Dog 2ENT 0ABS (2)
1st Miss KF Miller & Mr EL Ryan & Mrs J Barnett’s Feorlig Silly Billy. A very Pretty Red Sable Male with excellent Breed type. Fills the breed standard. A well balanced head, with good butterfly ears that he used well. Well shaped dark eye. Good Length of neck into good shoulders, level topline. Well placed tail. Presented a lovely balanced outline. Showed well and covered the floor with ease. Professionally handled to get the best out of him at all times. Best Dog. Best In Show.
2nd Mrs Stanbury’s Feorlig The Cheek Of It with Anixia. Slightly larger in size Black and White Male. Another carrying overall good breed type. Just needs to body up.

Yearling Dog 0 ENT

Novice Dog 0 ENT

Grad Dog 4 ENT 2 ABS (2)
1st Miss S Orchard’s NIghtfire Be Unique In Style At Payspayon Placed 1st In Puppy Dog
2nd Mrs S Stanbury’s Inixia Made By Design. Loved this pretty Black and White Male. Correct in Size. Correct Overall breed type. Just lost out to 1 on movement.

Post Grad Dog ENT 1 Abs 0 (1)
1st Mrs S Stanbury & Miss S Langdon’s Skyvana Zero Hour for Inixia. Very pretty Red Sable Male with Beautiful butterfly ears and fringing set on a nicely balanced head. Dark well shaped eye. Well balanced in body. Good texture coat. Moved like a pocket rocket around the ring.

Limit Dog Ent 2 Abs 2 (0)

Open Dog 1 ent 0 abs (1)
1st Mrs S Morrell’s Tricianbri Harry Beau For Temelora Nice Size Red/Sable Male, carrying a good quality coat. Nice head with well shaped ears that he used well. Dark eye. Mouth could be better. Overall pleasing type. Handled well.

Veteran Dog 3 ENT 0 ABS (3)
1st Mrs S Stanbury’s Inixia Delightful Dan JW SHCM Deep red sable male of excellent breed type. The most pleasing of heads with lovely butterfly ears. Well balanced skull. Good neck, level topline. Well bodied with a good ribcage. Very well constructed. Lovely hair foot the best of the day. Did not show his age in the challenge. Best Veteran Dog. Reserve Best Dog. Best Veteran in Show.
2nd Mrs S Stanbury’s Inixia Saucy Sam. Another good male with overall quality breed type. Balanced Head. Good Ears. Level topline. Good coat. Another nice hair foot. Moved well.
3rd Mrs JA & Miss LA Walklett’s Farthinghalls New Touch at Angullyon.

Special Open Phalene Dog ENT 2 ABS 0 (2)
1st Mrs S Morrell’s Serenglade Leap of Faith for Temelora. 5 year old black and white male with a very lovely head. Good ear position. Dark eye. Nice clean neck and shoulders. Level topline. Good tailset. Silky coat. Moved out well Best Phalene In Show. Best Phalene Dog.
2nd Mrs S Stanbury’s Pinkmead Timelord at Inixia 1st in MPD.

Special Dog Born or Resident in Wales ENT 1 ABS 0 (1)
1st Mrs JA & Miss LA Walklett’s Fathinghalls New Touch at Angullyon stood 3rd in Veteran. Pleasant Male in good condition.

Minor Puppy Bitch ENT 3 ABS 0 (3)
1st Miss S Orchard’s Panspayon Northern Lights, very beautiful Red Sable & White puppy, with a very bright future. Could have taken her home. Loved her overall breed type, balance, movement. Lovely shaped head. Well Shaped and set ears. Dark Eye. Good neck. Level topline. Good tailset. So sound in construction. Moved out very well for one so young. Best Minor Puppy and Puppy Bitch Best Minor Puppy In Show Best Puppy in Show.
2nd Mrs Casy Melangel Lovely Lexi for Shamel. Black and white bitch puppy. Very feminine and raw baby. Carrying a lovely outline, moved well.
3rd. Mrs VA Sparkes Pinkmead She’s On Fire.

Puppy Bitch ENT 2 ABS 1 (1)
1st Miss S Orchard’s Paypayon Natasha. Litter sister to the MPB. Stood Alone but such a worthy winner. Very Pretty tri bitch. Has all the attributes of her sister. Just slightly smaller in size. I am sure she will do equally as well in the future as her sister. Reserve Best Bitch Puppy. Reserve Best Puppy In Show.

Junior Bitch 2 ENT 0ABS (2)
1st Miss KF Miller & Mr EL Ryan Feorlig Say it with Flowers A quality Red Sable Bitch of excellent breed type. Correctly Balanced head. Lovely Papillon ears which she used well. Good neck. Level Topline. Very well constructed. Correct Hair foot. Pushed the best bitch hard. Reserve Best Bitch.
2nd Mrs D Olof Tarnock Only Velvet. Pretty tri bitch, that needs to body through, which would pull her together.

Yearling Bitch 1 ENT 0 ABS (1)
1st Miss KF Miller & Mr EL Ryan Feorligh Say It With Flowers. 1st in Junior

Novice Bitch 3 ENT 1ABS (2)
1st Mrs D Olof Tarnock Silver Slippers. Not a strong class of bitches This Red and White bitch won the class on her head type and size. Sad to see one so stained.
2nd Mrs J Walklett & Miss L Farthinghalls Enigma For Angullyon. Very Upsize bitch. Head a little stronger than I like for the breed. So stood down to 1.

Graduate Bitch 5 ENT 1ABS (4)
1st Miss K Sellick’s Inixia Annabelle. Red and White bitch of sound construction and breed type. Pretty head and she used her well placed ears. Level topline. Nicely balanced.
2nd Mrs JA & Miss LA Walklett’s Angullyon’s Secret Delight Red sable bitch of good overall type.
3rd Mrs S Morrell’s Temelora Bella.

Limit Bitch 4 ENT 3 ABS (1)
1st Mrs S Morrell’s Johnasta Georgia For Temelora. This 2 year old Classic Tri Bitch stood alone. However, she has a beautiful classic breed type. And balance. Well balanced head piece. Good ear placement which she used well. Lovely dark well shaped eye. She just needs a little more body on the day. One to watch.

Open Bitch 2 ENT 0 ABS (2)
1st Miss S Orchard’s Ch Panspayon Jewel of the Nile. A pleasure to go over this lovely Red SABLE BITCH. Your hands just flow over her construction. What can I say that must have already been said about her. My notes say outstanding shape, balance, type. Handled to perfection. Best Bitch RBIS BOS. A close call with the male for the challenge.
2nd Lt Cdr Brian & Mrs Pat Anne Cox’s Briar Rose for Ringland another Good quality tri bitch. In good coat. Very nice head shape. Good overall balance. Pleasing all round.

Veteran Bitch 3 ENT 2 ABS (1)
1st Mrs V Sparke’s Pinkmeads New Years Eve. Phalene of overall pleasing type. Good for her age. Acceptable head and ear placing. Dark eye. Good mouth. Best Veteran Bitch

Special Open Phalene Bitch ent 3 abs 0 (3)
1st Mrs S Morrell’s Temelora Bella. Stood 3rd in Grad Bitch. Black and white classical bitch from this kennel. Carries a little ticking through her coat. She won this class on her overall breed type. But was quite a handful for her owner. Best Phalene Bitch
2nd Mrs VA Sparke’s Pinkmead Shes On Fire. Stood 3rd in MPB. A pretty Red Sable MP Bitch, needing time to come together.
3rd Mrs VA Sparke’s Pinkmead Fire Cracker.

Special Bitch Born or Resident in Wales
1st Mrs J & Miss L Walklett’s Farthinghalls Enigma For Angullyon NAF. Stood 2nd in Novice.
2nd Mrs J & Miss L Walklett’s Angullyons Secret Delight, this red and white bitch gave way to winner on size. She is also stronger in the head than meets the standard. I forgave her out of coat due to pups.

Progeny Class
I truly loved judging this class. The contribution that the winning teams male has made to the breed could be seen throughout the classes.
1st Angullyon Trading Secrets with Inixia. This male has certainly stamped his type.
2nd Inixia Delightful Dan. Another sire stamping his type.
3rd Pinkmeads New Years Eve. Not as even in type. But pleasing non the less.