17 July 2020 Breed Notes

As I am writing these breed notes the sun is streaming through the window, it certainly makes you feel a whole lot better. Currently we are all experts on the wet stuff, enough is enough, the water wings need to be made redundant, it is supposed to be summer!

The follows info below is from the Kennel Club and Societies for you to take a look at.

The Kennel Club would like to advise and reassure competition organisers, exhibitors and competitors that our Sports Committees are working on solutions to help enable shows, competitions and other events to resume when Government guidance allows and the current restrictions are sufficiently reduced or relaxed.  We are also actively seeking Government advice and clarification on guidance already issued.  We are looking at the safety measures that may need to be put in place, together with any Kennel Club Regulations which may need to be amended or relaxed to enable competitions to resume.  As soon as more information is available, our guidance will be issued. We are aware that everyone is keen to resume their dog-related activities as soon as it is practical to do so, but please bear with us as we work towards helping you to provide the safest possible environment to allow for this.  The continued health, safety and security of all participants at Kennel Club events is of paramount importance.

The Officers  & Committee are pleased to announce that they have decide to go ahead with
The BCA Championship Show on the 3rd 4th & 5th October 2020, subject to Government Guidelines
The entries will open after the 7th July online at Higham Press, Dog .biz.
Schedule with Stamped Addressed Envelope, from Secretary Mrs Sally Duffin
Foxholes Cottage , Poole Road, Sturminster Marshall, Dorset, BH21 3RR. Tel: 01258 857721
We  are looking forward to welcoming  you all to the show
Bournemouth Canine Association will have the caravan site open for 14 day for anyone wanting to get away from it all for a few days.
Booking only from the 18 July to 2nd August.
Contact Mrs Sally Duffin
secretary@bournemouth-show.org.uk, for a booking form.
Details of the Show schedule can be found online at www.highampress.co.uk. This will be updated when we are fully in compliance with the regulations.
The Committee of Bournemouth will do their utmost to ensure that we put on a show where all are safe and happy and back enjoying the hobby we all love.
Sally Duffin Hon Secretary

The next meeting of the Kennel Club Breeds Liaison Council will be held on Wednesday 4 November 2020, subject to Government guidance on Covid-19 at the time. Proposals for inclusion on the agenda should reach the Breeds Liaison Council Secretary by August 6.
Each eligible society or an individual may submit items for the agenda, through a council representative. Proposals must be concise and, if an amendment or an additional regulation is proposed, the regulation number must be given. All submissions must be signed by the society/individual and the representative.
All items for inclusion on the agenda should be sent to the Breed Shows Team at the Kennel Club on email to breedshows@thekennelclub.org.uk.
A full list of Breeds Liaison Council representatives can be found at bit.ly/2mcQSJO.

It was very sad to hear the news of Hazel Barr’s (Barrallan) passing. She will be missed greatly by so many people who knew her in the breed.

For those who are presently in the poorly corner, I wish you a speedy recovery. Whatever you might be going through just now, stay strong and positive.

My get well thoughts and love go to Christine Foynes who has been an incredibly brave lady, Jean Banfield who is travelling to Hull each day for treatment and Lynda Phillips who is in a lot pain with a back complaint and chest infection.

If you wish me to mention any of your friends who are feeling under the weather, then please contact me either by email or messenger.

It is with great sadness that I bring the news of the passing of Chris Foynes (Lafay). I know that many people within the Papillon fraternity will be upset with hearing this. Chris passed away last night (12-07-20), I will write something for Chris in the breed notes next week. My thoughts at this time go to Aidan and Chris’s close family.

Stay safe everyone and enjoy the sunshine that is currently with us.