28 February 2020 Breed Notes

The Butterfly Dog Club of Scotland held their Open Show at Cochrane Hall, Alva. The exhibitors on their journey to the show had braved dreadful weather, experiencing snow, sleet and torrential rain with the fields looking like lakes and many of the roads flooded , water wings at the ready!

The Club stall was present, ably handled by Elizabeth Cochrane and Liz Anderson had a table laden with homemade products including bedding. Refreshments were a plenty to keep the hungry tums maintained and hot drinks for the journey home. Elaine Davidson’s son Kyle was present taking picture of the dogs to give memories of the show. There was also a parade for beloved companions and also Junior Handling classes.

The judge for the day was Kevin Sharp-Dixon and he had a first class entry of over fifty dogs, the club must have been very pleased.

The principal winners were as follows. Wendy Wilson must have been thrilled to take BD and BIS with Amicae Badger, BB/BOS/RBIS Mary Whitehill’s Papmar Moonlight Missabeat, congratulations to his breeder Mary Mooney. RBD Gill Breen’s Amicae Highland Glen, RBB Mary Whitehill’s Rozamie Madam Reva, BPD/ BPIS Gill Breen’s Kylecroft Quest, BPB Mary Whitehill’s Amicae Forget Me Not and BV Kathy Smith’s Ch Papplewick Pretty In Pink At Adinaken. Congratulations to all the principal and class winners. A special mention must go to Mary Whitehill, who must have been so proud seeing the dogs with her breeding taking top honours. Hard work and dedication pays dividends.

The clubs AGM is being held at 1pm on the 5th April 2020 at Station Hotel, 1, Foundry Loan, Larbert, FK5 4AW. The club extends a welcome to all that are able to be present.

Scheduled TV programmes for Crufts viewing are as follow.
Thursday 5th March, 15.00-16.00 Channel 4, 18.30-19.30 More4, 19.30-21.00 Channel 4
Friday 6th March, 15.00-16.00 Channel 4, 18.30-19.30 More4, 19.30-21.00 Channel 4
Saturday 7th March, 16.30-18.30, 16.30-18.30 Channel 4, 19.00-21.00 Cannel 4
Sunday 8th March, 16.30-18.30 and 19.00-21.00 Channel 4 with Crufts 2020 Best In Show Live.

Take care travelling in the weather we are presently having.