Bournemouth Championship Dog Show 2024
11th August 2024
Papillon Judge: Mr T ALLCOCK
Toy Group Judge: Mrs V Williams-Wegmann
Puppy Toy Group Judge: Mrs V Williams-Wegmann
Special Beginner Toy Group Judge: Ms M Sargent
Veteran Toy Group Judge: Mrs J Ward
BEST OF BREED : (ROBB, Mrs I & ROBB, Mr) Glenn Gleniren Miracle Starmaker
Best Puppy & Puppy Toy Group 2: (ROBB, Mrs I & ROBB, Mr Glenn) Gleniren Miracle Starmaker
Best Veteran : (COX, Mrs Pat Anne & COX, Lt Cdr Brian) Ch Tricianbri Tuppence A Kiss JW Sh.CM
Best Special Beginner & Sp.Beg Toy Group 4 : (LAST, Miss Michaela & LAST, Mrs Shireen) Lastayla Hocus Pocus
Dog CC : (ROBB, Mr Glenn & GUDBERGSDOTTIR, Mrs A M) Ch & Multi Ch Fashion First High Priority (Imp)
Res Dog CC : (CARTER, Mr Derek & CARTER, Mrs KARAN) Graycaz On A Mission
Bitch CC : (ROBB, Mrs I & ROBB, Mr Glenn) Gleniren Miracle Starmaker
Res Bitch CC : (COX, Mrs Pat Anne & COX, Lt Cdr Brian) Ch Tricianbri Tuppence A Kiss JW Sh.CM
Minor Puppy Dog (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: (LEE-SLATER, Mrs C( Graycaz Where I Go Hugo’s (naf)
Puppy Dog (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: (CARTER, Mr Derek & CARTER, Mrs KARAN) Graycaz On A Mission
2nd: (OLOF, Ms D) Tarnock Wiggle Giggle
Junior Dog (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: (OLOF, Ms D) Tarnock All Eyes On Me
2nd: (URQUHART, Mr G) Blackpark Smart As You Like
3rd: (QUINN, Mrs R) Amber Beauty Xany (imp Pl)
Res: (NICHOLLS, Mrs Carolyn) Whisky Lover Perlowy Raj Cazarno (Imp Pol)
Yearling Dog NO ENTRIES
Post Graduate Dog (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: (MASON, Miss Kara) Finity Run The Gauntlet JW
Limit Dog (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: (TURNER, Mrs Susan) Feyetas Love Me Tender
2nd: (WHITEHILL, Mrs M) Northlyte Buffalo Bill
3rd: (MORRIS, Mrs Ann A) Tarnock Tap Dance Teddy
Res: (CHALLENGER, Mrs Angela) Skyvana Devil In Disguise With Lyveden
VHC: (HEADLEY, Mrs Christine & HEADLEY, Mr Tony R) Yeldaeh’s Mr Chizlewick
Open Dog (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: (ROBB, Mr Glenn & GUDBERGSDOTTIR, Mrs A M) Ch & Multi Ch Fashion First High Priority (Imp)
2nd: (ORCHARD, Miss Susie) Ch Nightfire’s Be Unique In Style At Panspayon (im
3rd: (WELLS, The Rev’d Kirsty & BROWN, Ms Amand)a Skyvana Caught At Metamorphic
Veteran Dog NO ENTRIES
Special Beginner Dog or Bitch (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: (LAST, Miss Michaela & LAST, Mrs Shireen) Lastayla Hocus Pocus
2nd: (CLEREY, Mrs Anna Marie) Kensesqui Panama
Minor Puppy Bitch (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: (LEE-SLATER, Mrs C) Graycaz Dutch Courage
2nd: (MARSDEN, Miss Helen) Finity Quintessential
Puppy Bitch (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: (ROBB, Mrs I & ROBB, Mr Glenn) Gleniren Miracle Starmaker
2nd: (LAST, Miss Michaela & LAST, Mrs Shiree)n Lastayla Hocus Pocus
3rd: (CLEREY, Mrs Anna Marie) Kensesqui Panama
Res: (MARSDEN, Miss Helen) Finity Quintessential
Junior Bitch (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: (ORCHARD, Miss Susie) Panspayon Pennyroyale JW
2nd: (OLOF, Ms D) Tarnock Pop The Bubbles
3rd: (TURNER, Mrs Susan) Feyetas Jellybean
Yearling Bitch (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: (DAVIDSON POSTON, Mrs J) Rom Ch & Gr Ch Elena Kolekcja Szuwarka, Club Jr Ch
Novice Bitch (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: (LAST, Miss Michaela & LAST, Mrs Shireen) Lastayla Hocus Pocus
Post Graduate Bitch (4 Entries) Abs: 5
1st: 20(66 NICHOLLS, Mrs Carolyn) Dancing Destiny Mulan Sings At Cazarno
Limit Bitch (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: (WELLS, The Rev’d Kirsty & BROWN, Ms Amanda) Metamorphic Flyte
2nd: (LAST, Miss Michaela & LAST, Mrs Shireen) Lilacrose Magic Mya At Lastayla
Open Bitch (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: (MORRELL, Mrs S) Athene Vom Schwabenhof For Temelora (imp Deu)
2nd: (COX, Mrs Pat Anne & COX, Lt Cdr Brian) Briar Rose For Ringland
3rd: (ORCHARD, Miss Susie) Panspayon Natasha JW
Res: (WHITEHILL, Mrs M) Ch Amicae Bright Spark
Class 935 VB (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: (COX, Mrs Pat Anne & COX, Lt Cdr Brian) Ch Tricianbri Tuppence A Kiss JW Sh.CM
MPD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Lee-Slater’s Graycaz Where I Go Hugo’s (Naf) 7 months so understandably, very much a baby. Beautiful head of the correct proportions aiding pleasing expression. Lovely dark eyes, good muzzle. Shoulders are well laid, clean straight front, nice spring of rib for age and correct for loin. Secure level topline. High set tail. Super feet. Movement was dainty and free. Showed really well.
PD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Carter And Karan’s Graycaz On A Mission. 11 months. Appealing Tricoloured coat. Slightly rounded skull between and super ears set correctly and well feathered. Dark, expressive well pigmented eyes; correct dentition and dark tight lips. Forequarters nicely assembled with straight forelegs; elbows close in to well-developed chest. Secure level back with a high set well feathered tail. Presented in super coat and condition. On the move he is eye catching and in the Challenge he excelled. BPD, RCC (his second I was told later).
2nd: Olof’s Tarnock Wiggle Giggle. B/W 10 months. Another very nice puppy with lots to like. Produces a lovely outline when standing and this is maintained on the move. Liked his overall size and proportions. Body developing nicely. Presented in super coat and a really happy showman.
JD (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Olof’s Tarnock All Eyes On Me. 16 months. B/W. Dark expressive eyes contained in a balanced head, aiding such a pleasing expression. Large mobile ears with good fringing, used to advantage. Excellent dentition. On the table he is so impressive to examine. Shoulders well developed, well ribbed body and nicely angulated hindquarters with adequate turn of stifle. Lovely silky coat. Moved so freely with confidence and accuracy.
2nd: Urquhart’s Blackpark Smart As You Like. Tri colour. 12 months. Of correct overall proportions and admired his balance of head. Ears are well placed and used to advantage. Dark expressive eyes; good for dentition and muzzle. Pleasing to go over on the table but still needs to develop in body. Confident mover but could be tidier in front.
3rd: Quinn’s Beauty Xany (Imp Pl).
PGD (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Mason’s Finity Run The Gauntlet JW. 2 years Tri. Presented in first class order. Liked his size and shape. Balanced head giving a pleasing expression, framed by super ears. Beautifully textured coat which is well presented. Body is well put together; super ribbing and chest. Tail is well set and carried correctly. At times, when on the move he was a little over enthusiastic.
LD (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Turner’s Feyetas Love Me Tender. 2 ½ . S/W coat beautifully presented. He is dainty and beautifully put together. Typical head which is nicely rounded between well set ears, balanced fine muzzle with eyes giving an alert intelligent expression. Excels in size and shape and I felt he demonstrated the most complete picture in a strongly contested class. Free, light mover.
2nd: Whitehill’s Northlyte Buffalo Bill. Almost 2 years. Tri. Another smart young dog and what a great showman! Head proportions are good for ratio of muzzle and definition of skull. Admired those well set ears and carriage. Ample neck. Well ribbed body with good depth to chest. Secure backline and tail is well set. Moved well. It took some time to separate these two lovely dogs and finally felt 1 just had the edge in maturity but clearly splitting hairs.
3rd: Morris’s Tarnock Tap Dance Teddy.
OD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Robb And Gudbergsdottir’s Ch & Multi Ch Fashion First High Priority (Imp). 3 years. Super for size and balance. Such a beautiful head with a melting expression portrayed from gorgeous eyes. Skull is balanced and slightly rounded between those large, mobile ears framing the picture. Good for reach and length of neck, well laid shoulders. Forequarters are nicely angulated aiding a composed forehand extension. Well ribbed, secure backline and well feathered tail. Coat was presented in exemplary fashion. On the move, like a true butterfly, he flew. BD & CC.
2nd: Orchard’s Ch Nightfire’s Be Unique In Style At Panspayon (Imp). 3 years. Another lovely one but different in type to 1. Built superbly and of impressive proportions. Excellent ears, top-line and tail. He is slightly on the large side but a very impressive dog to examine. Whilst he pleases in head proportions I preferred the overall expression of 1. Sound in body and positive on the move. A real showman and a worthy champion.
3rd: Wells & Brown’s Skyvana Caught At Metamorphic.
SBD/B (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Last’s Lastayla Hocus Pocus. B. 9 months and a lot to like. Nicely put together. Her feminine expression is so pleasing, with good ear shape and size. Impressive to examine. She moved really well and is clearly promising. BEST SB.
2nd: Clerey’s Kensesqui Panama. B. 11 months. She is good for coat and condition, possessing a pleasing head. Really impressed with her body which is good for ribs and chest. Sound on the move but was intent on sniffing the grass which arrested fluidity.
MPB (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Lee-Slater’s, Graycaz Dutch Courage. 7 months old and maturing well. Fine, dainty and of good balance. Head portraying an ultra-feminine expression. Well placed ears of good size and used well. Secure top-line and well set tail. Moved really well. Clearly an exciting prospect.
2nd: Marsden’s Finity Quintessential. 7 months. B/W Soundly constructed. I loved her eyes but would prefer finish of head could be a little more refined. Ample neck length with a good depth of chest, straight forelegs, correct hare like feet. Hindquarters strongly angulated. Sound and purposeful mover.
PB (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Robb’s Gleniren Miracle Starmaker. Pretty 10 months old. Screams ‘Butterfly’. Produces a delightful outline, she is both dainty and elegant. Her head is of excellent proportions with a finely pointed muzzle, slightly rounded skull being framed by well set ears, abundantly fringed and used to great effect. Lengthy neck, proud head carriage. Level top line, good for depth of chest, correct tail set. Moved with style and grace. She is a total show off which I loved. CC BPIB BOB and PG2.
2nd: Last’s Lastayla Hocus Pocus. 1st in SBD/B.
3rd: Clerey’s Kensesqui Panama.
JB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Orchard’s Panspayon Pennyroyale JW. B/W. 16 months. Her impressive head contains dark sparking eyes which aid the sweetest of expressions. Large, well-placed ears. Nicely balance throughout. Good reach of neck fitting smoothly into well laid shoulders. Forelegs are straight and of fine bone, void of weakness. Correct length to body, level topline, ribs are well sprung; short loin. Coat is fine and silky. Sound mover.
2nd: Olof’s Tarnock Pop The Bubbles. Lots to like in respect of overall balance and construction, which produces a pleasing outline and sound accurate movement. She is impressive to examine on the table. I just preferred the head and expression of 1 but this was a close call between two very nice youngsters.
3rd: Turner’s Feyetas Jellybean.
YB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Davidson Poston’s Ch & Gr Ch Elena Kolekcja Szuwarka, Club Jr Ch. When standing she scores in outline and this is maintained on the move. She has a pretty head of good proportions with the correct muzzle to skull ratio, well defined stop and slight rise to the skull. Lovely ears to complete. She stands four square. Her shoulders are well placed and sports a secure topline. Well bodied. Moved soundly. Presented to perfection.
NB (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Last’s Lastayla Hocus Pocus. 1st SBD/B.
PGB (4 Entries) Abs: 5
1st: Nicholls’s Dancing Destiny Mulan Sings At Cazarno. B/W. 2 years. Well made. Head is of good proportions, would just prefer slightly darker eyes. Large ears, well set and used to advantage. Good for chest. Nicely bodied, well ribbed with level topline and muscular loins. Steady mover.
LB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Wells & Brown’s Metamorphic Flyte. 2 ½ . Tri. Really nicely put together, producing an impressive outline when standing. Feminine and pretty she is of a lovely size. Well balanced head with super dark expressive eyes. Ears well set to complete the picture. She is soundly built so moved very well. At one with her handler and must have a very bright future.
2nd: Last’s Lilacrose Magic Mya At Lastayla. 3 ½ R/W. Correctly proportioned head with a pleasing finish. Large mobile ears set correctly and used well. Well bodied. Coat in good condition with ample fringing on ears and tail. She can stand a little untidily. Confident mover.
OB (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: Morrell Athene Vom Schwabenhof For Temelora (Imp Deu). Tri Phalene. 2 years old. Loved her size, shape and balance. Head is feminine, containing dark expressive eyes with dark pigmentation. Correct length of muzzle. Ears are well set, fringed and neatly framed. Her neck flows into well laid shoulders. Well sprung ribs; short loins. Her fine and silky coat was presented beautifully. Moved freely covering the ground with ease and was, undeniably, the best mover in the class. A strong contender in the Challenge.
2nd: Cox’s Briar Rose For Ringland. 5 years. Well-built and slightly on the larger scale. Pleasing head and expression from beautiful dark expressive eyes. Good dentition. Ears well placed and feathered. Elegant neck into well laid shoulders. Body is well ribbed. Back is secure and level; well angulated hindquarters. In profuse coat. Moved OK.
3rd: Orchard’s Panspayon Natasha JW.
VB (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: Cox’s Ch Tricianbri Tuppence A Kiss Jw Sh.Cm. 8 ½ years and I well remember awarding her the RCC at 6 months. Her head qualities are as impressive as ever and has lost none of that former spender. In particularly, those beautiful eyes giving such an endearing expression. Large, well feathered mobile ears beautifully complete the picture. Excellent mouth for age. Correct neck above super shoulders. Body is well ribbed with strong loins. Secure level top line and high set tail. Her forehand extension was accurate, complimented by paralleled rear movement and strong drive. Presented in amazing condition. BVIB & RCC.