Papillon Information

05 December 2014 – Dog World

The Papillon (Butterfly) Dog Club held their winter open show at Roade Village Hall, Northants. Exhibitors present have said that the venue gave a lovely atmosphere and all catering was arranged with a pub close at hand and the lunches available to order were of an excellent standard. Mr Mark Cocozza (Freecloud) who has had…

31 October 2014 – Dog World

Julie Clint had a wonderful day North & South Shields Canine Society Open Show taking TPG1 and RBPIS with her youngster Petress Special blend under judge Mrs Inglis Congratulations also to the breeders Teresa and Peter Cullen. Another success was in store for Shirley Colyer at Lowestoft and Oulton Broad Canine Society who had a…

Progressive Retinal Atrophy

What is it? Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) is a hereditary disease of the eye that causes blindness. The retina is the tissue lining the back wall of the inside of the eye and is composed of two classes of photoreceptor cells called rods and cones; the rods function in dim light, and the cones in…

17 October 2014 – Dog World

A special weekend show for Glenn Robb (Gleniren) as he was judging our beautiful breed at South Wales Papillon Club Championship Show. This club show always brings a friendly atmosphere to the table and makes all exhibitors present extremely welcome. The few days before the club had been challenged to the limits. Sue Stanbury had…

Patella Luxation

What is it? Luxating means out of place, or dislocated. The patella is the equivalent to the human kneecap and part of the stifle structure, and therefore a luxating patella is a kneecap that moves out of its normal location. The patella normally moves up and down in a groove in the lower femur bone…